Welcome to the art and skill of loving men.
It is indeed an art. And it is a skill.
And it’s something we aren’t actually taught.
We aren’t actually taught how to communicate and interact with men effectively.
We are all equal. We are all human. But we are not the same.
Men have a different experience in the world than women.
Men have their own linguistics, ways they interpret information, and ways they experience emotions.
They are socially rewarded for - and discouraged from - different behaviors.
And this varies across lineage, family, and culture.
Not only have men and women been socialized differently, but we are shown disparate examples
of what relationships "should" look like.
We each develop different internalized visions of love based on the movies and music we grow up with and the relationships we see modeled to us.
The vision for our relationship gets skewed...and sometimes their vision doesn't even overlap with ours.
As women, we measure reality against polished fantasy...
which clouds our ability to see and experience just how romantic reality gets to be.
To be in love with and to attract men when we don’t understand them, can be a frustrating experience.
It can feel like a disconnect. Like maybe something is missing but we don’t know what it is.
Like something is lost in translation.
(Because it is.)
In long term relationships, we can lose our luster, become bored with each other, get complacent when the “honeymoon phase is over.”. We wonder if this is all there is, how to “keep the flame alive.”
We normalize this plateau like it’s just the “way things are.”
In dating, it can feel like there’s no good men out there. We feel disappointed. Discouraged about our prospects. Like it's an "either/or" scenario - either honor our standards and be single or lower our standards for connection and call it "being realistic."
We don’t feel heard and held like we want to be.
We don’t feel desired. We don’t feel cherished and adored and romanced enough.
We wonder if there’s something wrong with us or wrong with men.
We want to be treated like a capital Q Queen, damnit!
And although we want deeper love with men, we often feel too let down by them
to wonder what it’s like for them.
It doesn’t always occur to us that maybe there are ways in which he wants to be loved too ...
that we don’t even see.
The truth is, it is fully possible for us to thrive together in a spicy, sexy synergy.
It starts with you shifting your perspective of men.
It starts with you understanding that men give and show love differently.
Men receive love in different ways than we do as women.
Yes, more men do need to learn to understand the language and perspective of women…
...and if we want the intimacy and attraction with men we crave,
we women also need to learn to understand men.
Stepping into synergy with men raises the bar in your life
and in your confidence as a woman.
When you honor your differences with your man, something liberating sparks between you...
and stays LIT.
You step into new levels of confidence with him...which amplifies your magnetism and sex appeal in his eyes.
You not only feel sexier, you also trust yourself more.
Because you are aware of what is actually happening.
This stops the cycle of internalized blame and turns it into an upward spiral of empowerment.
When you know how to appreciate a man in the ways he craves, his behaviors and feelings towards you open up.
He wants to serve you. He wants to please you.
He wants to make you proud that he’s your man.
Literal magic happens when you speak to and love him the way he desires.
Power couples get each other. They know how to turn each other on.
With the energy that lives between them, they become an unstoppable force of greatness,
both individually and as a team.
You feel like a capital Q Queen. And he feels like a capital K King.
We all need more inspiring, healthy real-life examples of loving, sexy, romantic relationships.
It’s your time to step into the limelight of your own love life.
Loving Men is the program that shows you how.
Meet Kat and Cora

Cora Boyd is an entrepreneur and dating-relationship expert who helps creative, enterprising men and women decode matters of the heart so they can thrive in their love lives. Certified in Positive Psychology, and formerly a top performing matchmaker for a Stanford StartX company, she brings unique insight of the modern lovescape to her coaching and digital courses.
Cora began her coaching practice coaching men to better understand and connect with women. Building on this expertise in the realm of men, she now also coaches women to better connect with men for deeper intimacy and relationship satisfaction.
Cora is the host of the podcast Pillow Talk Radio, she has contributed thought pieces to Tinder’s Swipe Life, The Gottman Institute, and Thought Catalog. For her expertise, she has been featured in NPR, Bumble, Elite Daily, Bustle, The Daily Beast, and TV New Zealand. Her videos on the CUT YouTube channel have been viewed over 27 million times.
Cora lives part time in her “fairy house” in Seattle, and part time with her boyfriend in Bellingham, Washington where they tend to their bountiful vegetable garden, polar plunge in alpine lakes, and delight in watching baby bunnies hop through the yard.
Kat Muñoz is a love and relationship expert who helps people create a kind of love that’s revolutionary by average standards. Certified in life coaching, with years of experience studying relationships and interpersonal connection, she brings a fresh perspective to the art of love. Kat helps her clients achieve deep groundedness in their identity and gain confidence in what they can bring to a partnership.
Kat is most passionate about helping women break harmful generational patterns that have been passed down over decades and create new cycles of harmony that not only strengthen relationships, but also contribute to a ripple effect towards a happier world.
She believes humans are here to thrive, and she embodies this in her coaching business, as a mom, a wife and as a woman. To Kat, thriving looks like dancing her ass off, super sweaty kickboxing, painting for days, eating spicy Khmer food, reading, growing and resting.
Kat lives in Laguna Beach, CA with her husband, Gabriel, their three kids and five fish - who have become a very important part of the household. As a family, they enjoy dance parties, car shows, beach days and singing competitions.

FAQs for Kat and Cora
Is this program for all genders and orientations?
Loving Men is through the lens of cis / het women speaking to women who love, date, and are in relationships with men.
We believe that this is only one piece of a greater whole and fully support the LGBTQIA+ community. It is important to name that we have limitations of expertise based on our lived experiences as cis / het women and we want to stand in integrity in the space we hold for others.
We care about all people receiving what they need from those who are qualified to give it.
Does this program go into depth about trauma with men?
Although Loving Men is trauma informed, we are not trauma experts. Throughout the program, we acknowledge the realities of trauma and abuse, but we do not go into depth about the specifics of healing this trauma.
The program is focused on addressing the miscommunications and misunderstandings that arise in hetero relationships, and in living in a world side by side with men.The aim of the program is to understand the male perspective in order to better connect with men.
If you have experienced sexual, physical or emotional abuse with men and you choose to go through this program, please do so knowing our perspective and this context. Please be mindful of any support or other coaching you may need or want on your healing journey.
Will this program fix my love life?
We’ve embodied this way of living with the men in our lives and it has elevated love and connection in every way. Our clients have also experienced massive positive shifts in their love lives based on the teachings in Loving Men. Some have gotten into the best relationships of their lives, others have brought more fulfillment and attraction into their marriages, and others have used the Loving Men knowledge to deeper indulge in spicy, fun dating lives.
That being said, what you put in is what you get out. Each person going through this program is responsible for their own implementation and results.
You do get to have ownership and empowerment over your own love life! Loving Men gets to be a guide.
Is this for single women or women currently in relationships?
Both! Throughout the program we speak to specific dynamics in dating as well as within established relationships. The insight and understanding of men you'll receive and embody through Loving Men will improve your connection with men at any developmental stage of relating.
Are there any live calls?
Yes, every time we relaunch this program we will host a live coaching call. By enrolling, you receive access to all future coaching calls as well as the Loving Men Facebook group where you can connect, support, and be supported by other women going through the program.
Ready to step into spicy, sexy synergy with men?
With purchase you agree to the following terms and conditions: All sales are final. There are no refunds. Any and all payments must be paid in full by you, the purchaser, on the agreed upon date. This is a pre-recorded, self paced digital course. Any and all results are up to you, the purchaser. This work, including but not limited to content, audio clips, images, graphics and copy, is the intellectual property of the creators and is not authorized for copy or distribution. The creators are not liable for any outcomes that may come from the misuse or misapplication of the content in this work.
Once your payment is processed you will be sent directly to a registration page, enter your email and follow the instructions to receive immediate access to the private content portal. We recommend downloading the Kajabi app onto your phone and logging in there so that you can listen to the program on the go and at your leisure. If you need technical support of any kind, reach out to team@thecoraboyd.com. Enjoy!
Ok, let's do this!
Congratulations on this investment in yourself and your love life!
The best is yet to come.